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Imouzzer - vezetett egynapos kirándulás

Full description & booking

Imouzzer Discovery

Atlas Mountains and Berber Villages Day Trip

 Embark on a memorable Imouzzer Guided Day Trip and escape the bustling city life to immerse yourself in the beauty of the Atlas Mountains. This full-day excursion takes you on a scenic journey through Berber Villages and unveils the breathtaking landscapes of the high Atlas Mountains.

As you drive along the Honey & Argan road, renowned for its production of diverse honey and argan oil, you will delve into the heart of Berber local life. Explore traditional Berber houses, witness the craftsmanship of argan oil by Berber women in a botanical garden, and gain insights into the rich Berber culture and traditions.

The day is filled with captivating photo stops, providing ample free time to stroll through the charming villages and discover hidden gems of the Atlas Mountains. Enrich your experience with a visit to the famous Waterfalls of Imouzzer, an awe-inspiring natural wonder.

A highlight of the tour is the free time at the tranquil Lake of Imouzzer, inviting you to either take a refreshing swim or capture the picturesque surroundings with your camera.

Conclude the day by indulging in a delectable local meal at a restaurant of your choice in Imouzzer, adding a culinary delight to your exploration of this enchanting region.
  • Discover the Hidden Sights of the Atlas Mountains and Berber Villages.

  • Immerse yourself in the Berber culture and traditions during this enriching day trip.

  • Drive through the Honey & Argan road, famous for its honey and argan oil production.

  • Witness the artisanal process of making argan oil by Berber women in a botanical garden.

  • Enjoy photo stops along the route, with plenty of free time to explore charming villages.

  • Experience the tranquility of the Lake of Imouzzer, offering opportunities for swimming and photography.

  • Conclude the day with a delightful local meal at a selected restaurant in Imouzzer.

For more tours, Attractions and trip in agadir, please visit Tours in agadir in the HOME PAGE.

A túra fénypontjai
  • Látogatás a botanikus kertben és az argánolaj készítése
  • Fotómegállók útközben
  • Magas Atlasz Csodálatos tájak
  • Látogasson el az Imouzzer vízeséshez
  • Fedezze fel a berber helyi életet
  • Fotó Stop Berber régi házak
Az ár tartalmazza
  • Hotel transzfer oda-vissza
  • Modern, légkondicionált jármű
  • Látogatások A program szerint
  • Angolul és franciául beszélő sofőr és idegenvezető (magyar idegenvezetés kérésre, felárral előre megbeszélés alapján igényelhető)
Az ár nem tartalmazza
  • Étkezést és italokat
  • Egyéb szolgáltatásokat
  • Személyes kiadásokat
  • Mindennap
Indulási időpontok
  • 8:30
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