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Tagesausflug von Taghazoute nach Essaouira

Full description & booking

Essaouira Exploration: A Fascinating Day Trip from Taghazoute

Embark on an enriching journey to Essaouira, known as the Windy City, the Portuguese Forteresse, or the Mogador town. Immerse yourself in the historical tapestry of this imperial city in the kingdom of Morocco, founded by the Portuguese in 1506 and named Castelo Real de Mogador.

Our full-day excursion begins at 7:30 AM from your hotel or residence in Taghazoute. As we gather all passengers, the adventure commences with a scenic drive along the Atlantic Ocean coast, offering breathtaking views and a stop at Tamri Beach for a panoramic experience.

Witness a unique spectacle along the way – the famous “flying goats” perched on trees, a sight exclusive to Essaouira. Our last stop before reaching Essaouira is at the Argan Cooperative, providing insights into the production of argan oil, a regional specialty.

Upon arrival in Essaouira, you’ll have ample time to explore its rich heritage. Delve into the city’s history by visiting iconic landmarks such as the City Walls, Dutch cannon crafted by Adrianus Crans in 1744, the Genoese-built citadel near the harbor, and the ramparts of the Medina. Stroll through the vibrant souk market, wander the historic Medina, and soak in the charm of the old harbor.

Before our return journey to Taghazoute begins around 3 PM, savor a delightful meal in Essaouira, savoring the local flavors. Anticipate arriving back in Taghazoute by approximately 7 PM, concluding a day filled with cultural exploration, historical discovery, and the coastal allure of Essaouira.

If you are looking for longer trip to Essaouira please check things to do in Taghazoute in the Startseite 

  •  Altportugiesische Stadt
  •  Freizeit in Essaouira
  •  Erleben Sie die Ziegen auf Bäumen
  •  Arganöl Fabrik
  • Besuchen Sie die Stadtmauern von Essaouira
  • Besuchen Sie den Souk des Mogador-Marktes
Im Preis inbegriffen
  • Transfer vom und zum Hotel
  •  Englisch- und französischsprachiger Fahrer und Guide
  •  Fotostopps unterwegs
  •  Modernes, klimatisiertes Fahrzeug
  • Besichtigungen laut Programm
Im Preis nicht inbegriffen
  • Speisen & Getränke
  • Zusätzliche Services
  • Persönliche Ausgaben
  • montags
  • Mittwochs
  • Freitags
  • 8h30
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