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Surfing in Taghazoute

Full description & booking

Surfing in Taghazoute

Enjoy a full day Surfing in Taghazoute one of the most famous surf regions in Morocco.

where Morocco contains the main surfing regions and Spots.

including the world known Surfers Village “Taghazoute”.

After a 30 minutes drive to Taghazoute beach area.

where the waves are great for all surfers level.

You will find you swimming suits and boards waiting for you.

After a two hours training session.

you will have your free time to catch the waves and have a great time on the wild beach of Taghazoute.

Lunch will be provided by the monitor and it is included in the activity.

For more tours and activities in agadir please visit the Startseite

  • Surfing in Taghazout Beach
  • Professional Training Session
Im Preis inbegriffen
  • Hotel pick up & Hotelrückgabe
  • Modernes, klimatisiertes Fahrzeug
  • Surfausrüstung
  • Surfing Suits 
  • Training session
Im Preis nicht inbegriffen
  • /
  • Täglich
  • 09:30 AM
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