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Tagesausflug in die Wüste von Agadir und den Nationalpark.

Full description & booking

Agadir Safari Adventure: Discovering the Untamed Beauty of the Countryside

Embark on an extraordinary Agadir Safari, immersing yourself in the natural wonders of the countryside. This full-day excursion takes you through the enchanting landscapes surrounding Agadir, offering a unique blend of wildlife encounters, cultural exploration, and breathtaking scenery.

National Park of Massa Wildlife Encounter:

Begin your journey at the National Park of Massa, where you’ll meet fascinating local animals and experience the untamed beauty of nature.

Off-Road Adventure along Sidi Rbat Wild Beach:

Venture off-road along the wild beach of Sidi Rbat, witnessing the unspoiled coastline and enjoying the serenity of the Atlantic Ocean.

Berber Villages and Massa City Exploration:

Explore the charm of Berber villages, drive through the city of Massa, and delve into the daily life of the local inhabitants.

Fisherman’s Cave and Avian Delights:

Visit the Fisherman’s cave and witness the vibrant birdlife at the River of Sous, a Moroccan breeding site for glossy Ibis, marbled ducks, and other wild birds.

Massa National Park Wildlife Experience:

Get up close with Gazelles, Addax, Oryx, and Ostriches in the Massa National Park, and enjoy the majestic views of Sidi Rbat Beach against the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean.

Rasmouka Banana Oasis and Yusuf Ibnu Tachafin Dam:

Discover the banana oasis in Rasmouka, witness the small dunes of Massa, and marvel at panoramic views of the Yusuf Ibnu Tachafin Dam and the Anti Atlas Mountains.

Moroccan Pottery and Souvenir Shopping:

Experience the creation of Moroccan pottery and explore a showroom with the option to acquire a unique souvenir of your safari adventure.

Homemade Berber Lunch:

Indulge in a delicious homemade lunch featuring Tajine, couscous, and refreshing mint tea, providing a taste of authentic Berber cuisine.

Conclude your Agadir Safari with a wealth of knowledge and unforgettable experiences, making it a truly distinctive excursion that captures the essence of Agadir’s countryside and its diverse attractions.

Für eine kürzere und ähnliche Reise, besuchen Sie bitte Halbtagesausflug in den Nationalpark von Massa.

  • Besuchen Sie den Nationalpark von Massa
  • Erkunden Sie die lokale Tierwelt und die Berberdörfer
  • Entdecken Sie das lokale Fischerdorf
  • Mittagessen in einem lokalen Berberhaus
  • Genießen Sie einen Tagesausflug durch die Landschaft von Agadir
Im Preis inbegriffen
  • Modernes, klimatisiertes Fahrzeug
  • Fahrer & Führer
  • Eintrittskarte für den Nationalpark
  • Mittagessen
  • Besichtigungen laut Programm
Im Preis nicht inbegriffen
  • Persönliche Ausgaben
  • Getränke
  • Kamelreiten
  • Täglich
  • 8h30
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